Observations on life; particularly spiritual

Posts tagged “climate

Data manipulation enhances “climate change” in Australia

Dr Jennifer MarohasyThis blogpost comes from articles by the Australian biologist Dr Jennifer Marohasy. The previous post, “There is no climate crisis in Australia”, also came from Dr Marohasy.

It could be that the last 26-years of temperature recordings by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) will be found not fit for purpose and will eventually need to be discarded. This would make for a rather large hole in the calculation of global warming – given the size of Australia. (more…)

There is no climate crisis in Australia

Dr Jennifer MarohasyThis blogpost comes from an interview of the Australian biologist Dr Jennifer Marohasy by Hannes Sarv of Freedom Research.

According to Marohasy, climate change is a natural phenomenon and CO2 has nothing to do with it. In 2017, Marohasy and John Abbot published an article on temperature variations over the last 2,000 years, showing that climate change is not the result of an increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide over the last century, but a natural process in nature. They used proxy data from tree rings, corals or lake sediments, which express earth’s warming and cooling cycles, with a variation of about 2ºC. Of course, alarmists didn’t agree. (more…)

The religion of climate change

Michael Shellenberger is an environmentalist, commentator, author and an advocate for pragmatic solutions to climate changeThis blogpost comes from an interview of Michael Shellenberger, who is an environmentalist, commentator, author and an advocate for pragmatic solutions to climate change.


I accept the core science of climate change, but not the alarmism because climate change is gradual and manageable, and not catastrophic. There is no climate crisis or climate emergency. That’s a corruption of the science. For example, sensational scenarios are fraudulent and scare tactics. (more…)

Climate: the movie

Do you know why climate change is mentioned so much today, even though none of us can detect it in our lifetime? (more…)

A reminder for the BOM – Weather is not climate

Australia's Annual Climate Statement 2023The Australian Annual Climate Statement 2023 was issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) recently. It includes information on temperatures, rainfall, water, oceans, sea ice, and significant weather events in 2023. (more…)

A reminder for the WMO – Weather is not climate

How many protesters know the definition of climate?The state of the global climate 2023 report was issued by the World Meteorological Organization recently (WMO). It includes information on greenhouse gases, global temperatures, ocean heat content, sea level, ocean temperatures, ice sheets, glaciers, sea-ice, and precipitation. (more…)

Long-range weather prediction failure

Coomera River, Queensland AustraliaWhat’s happened to the El Niño that experts warned earlier could mean warmer and drier weather and increased bushfire risk for much of Australia this summer? The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) declared the El Niño in September 2023, three months after US weather agency NOAA and two months after the UN’s World Meteorological Agency. The El Nino weather cycle is often linked to hotter and drier springs and summers for Australia, but the torrential and damaging storms and floods on the east coast in recent weeks have been anything but dry. (more…)

Weather and climate

Most of the examples of "climate change" are weather, not climateWeather change is not climate change

Did you know that most of the examples of climate change presented by the United Nations, politicians, government agencies and the news media are weather and not climate? This means that they are either don’t know the difference or they exploit the ignorance of the public. These examples are not climate change at all. I have pointed this out before. (more…)

Testing climate science

Global warming is not an existential threatMany actions proposed to address climate change threaten our way of life. But some of the “facts” used to justify these actions are misleading.

This post comes from interviews with Dr Steven Koonin (Appendix A) over the six past months. It addresses claims that there is a climate emergency or climate crisis because of dangerous climate change caused by increased emissions of greenhouse gases from the use of fossil fuels. (more…)

Questions and answers about Genesis – Part 2

Questions and answers about Genesis in the BibleThe Bible gives a selective history of the earth from its creation to its demise. Many question this. Did you know that there are answers to your questions? Here’s the answers to some questions that were asked recently.

This post is based on questions and answers after a presentation by Dr Tas Walker of Creation Ministries International (CMI). (more…)

Can we change the climate?

Cyclone Jasper approaching Queensland from the Coral Sea Recent floods in far north Queensland took everyone by surprise. It was quite scary, because it happened very quickly. Water started rapidly rising — seemingly out of nowhere. Most people thought that there may be a lot of rain when cyclone Jasper passed but there was no warning that there was going to be millions of litres of water tumbling down the Tableland hill, pushing houses and land to the side. Cars were floating past the house. It was mayhem. (more…)

The politics of climate alarmism

Climate emergencyThe story behind the “climate crisis”

Do you remember the story of the emperor’s new clothes? The emperor was persuaded by a tailor that he could make him a grand set of clothes which could only be seen by the really intelligent. When this invisible set of (non-existent) clothes were put on, everyone wanted to appear intelligent and so they commented about how grand and beautiful they were. Until one small boy shouted out in the crowd “the emperor is naked. He has no clothes”! And then the truth became obvious to everyone. The climate emergency is like the emperor’s clothes. It doesn’t exist. There is no climate emergency. (more…)

Weather fact check: Deaths

In the mid-latitudes more people die in winter than in summerExposure to cold or hot temperatures is associated with premature deaths. Recently I read that “Extreme heat in the United States is the number one weather-related cause of death”. Is this true? (more…)

Weather fact check: Wildfires

A 19th-century artist’s interpretation of New England’s “Dark Day”, which occurred on May 19, 1780This post comes from Dr Jay Wilde.

There are many politicians and media figures (as well as a few scientists) who are desperately trying to convince us that global warming (aka “climate change”) is a dire problem that requires radical action right now. One of their most effective tools is to discuss a current event as if nothing like it has ever happened before. That way, they can blame it on climate change. This works, in part, because history education is so poor that most people don’t know what happened in the past. (more…)

Todays’ weather brought to you by God

Todays’ weather brought to you by GodTsunamis, floods, and bush fires are no joke. In 2021 it was estimated by Deloitte that natural disasters cost Australia over $38 billion a year and this will nearly double by 2060. The real cost, however, is more than a financial one, many people and animals lose their homes and even their lives when a major disaster strikes.

So what should we think about the weather? Is God really in control? Most of us are comfortable asking God for good weather for our next sports game or outdoor event – we may even thank God for a perfect sunny day. But when it comes to bad weather, who’s to blame – infamous weather systems like El nina or God? And who can we go to about these disasters? (more…)

The real climate change

Weather change is not climate changeWeather change is not climate change

“Climate change” is mentioned often today in a context that means “weather change”. There is a difference between weather and climate. Climate is the long-term weather pattern. Weather influences what clothes you wear on a given day, while the climate influences the contents of your entire wardrobe. (more…)

A robust climate?

The polar bear has been used as a symbol of climate change by some activitists“By not doing enough to fight global warming, we’re trashing the planet” says National Geographic magazine. “How hot can it get before truly catastrophic changes are set in motion?”. And Wikipedia warns of “abrupt climate change as it approaches and surpasses 2°C above pre-industrial levels”. It also mentions the possibility of “accelerated global warming”, “runaway climate change”, “climate collapse” and “climate apocalypse”. Others mention a “climate emergency”, “climate crisis”, “climate breakdown”, “irreversible climate destabilization”, “abrupt and irreversible environmental changes” and “interconnecting calamities”. That’s alarmist. It’s creating a culture of fear and panic. And climate change is blamed for any extreme weather. But are these warnings justified? (more…)

What about climate change?

Roy Morgan’s 2019 survey found that Australians regard environmental concerns as the major problem facing the world. This included climate change, water conservation, pollution, rubbish, famine, and cutting down rainforests. And economic concerns came next.

What does the Bible say about the natural environment? Should Christians care for the environment, or doesn’t it matter?

Biblical worldview

This post looks at the natural environment from an understanding based on the Bible, which is God’s message to us. This leads to different understandings compared to if we reject what the Bible says. It’s a theistic viewpoint, not an atheistic one. The Bible says that the universe was formed miraculously by God’s command (Ps. 33:6-9). People can look at the same world, but their interpretation depends on their worldview. It’s like wearing glasses. For example, clear glasses give a brighter view than sunglasses. (more…)

Life in the Ice Age

Scientists believe that the Earth goes through cycles of climatic change. Periods of lower temperatures are assumed to result in long-term periods of glaciation, which are known as an ‘Ice Age’. As the causes proposed for these Ice Ages seem to be deficient, there is reason to believe that there was only one Ice Age.

This post is based on a children’s book by Hughes and Cosner (2018).

Was there really an Ice Age?

Evolutionists say that there have been many Ice Ages throughout history (Appendix A). Actually there was only one Ice Age, and it was caused by Noah’s Flood. Though the Flood lasted only one year, its effects on the climate lasted for centuries! Hot underground water was a major source of Flood waters, so even after they retreated back into the oceans, the water stayed warm. Also, massive volcanic eruptions would have poured ash into the air, which blocked out much sunlight over the land. So the land would have been much cooler. Then some of the warm water evaporated into clouds which then dropped much snow over the cold land. Over centuries, this packed into huge ice sheets covering a third of earth’s land. We can even see the effects the snow and ice had on the earth today; the ice at the North and South Poles is left over from this (about 10% of the earth is covered in ice); the alpine glaciers; and the glacial landforms and sediments. Because these effects are seen on the current land surface, it is clear that the Ice Age occurred after the Flood. (more…)

El Niño: How Will It Affect You?

A different kind of Christmas message

A Climate Extreme
Eastern Australia experiences periodic droughts usually associated with El Niño, an extreme of the Southern Oscillation climate phenomenon, which was named by fishermen in Peru, South America. Usually they catch plenty of anchovy fish, because cold water from deeper in the ocean brings nutrients to the surface. These nutrients support lots of plankton – small animals and plants that are food for the fish.

But sometimes a warmer ocean current arrives near Christmas, devastating the fishing industry. It is like a famine in the ocean with few nutrients, few plankton and few fish. The Peruvian fishermen called it El Niño, – Spanish for “the boy child” – because it came at Christmas, the time they remembered “the Christ child.” The name El Niño is now used to describe this extreme in the climatic cycle across the whole Pacific region.

El Niño events occur every four to seven years and typically last for 12-18 months. A measure of this climatic event is the Southern Oscillation Index, which is calculated from the difference between the monthly average atmospheric pressure at Darwin in Australia and Tahiti in the mid-Pacific. The 1982-83 El Niño was the strongest in the last 100 years.

El Niño can have a dramatic influence on the weather and the economy in different parts of our world. It can lead to heavy rain, flooding, landslides and mosquito plagues, and can ruin the fishing industry in the west coast of Central and South America. On the opposite side of the Pacific it results in drought, water shortages, wildfires and poor crops in eastern Australia. The other extreme in the Pacific climatic cycle, a cooling of the eastern Pacific ocean, is known as La Niña, which is Spanish for “the girl child.” La Niña can lead to droughts in South America and floods in eastern Australia. So the same climatic event can lead to different types of weather in different parts of the world.

The Christ Child
The real Christ child came to earth about 2,000 years ago and there were also different responses to this event. Some welcomed it and some hated it. The shepherds were joyful at the birth of the promised Messiah, and they praised God (Lk. 2:8-20). Simeon and Anna also praised God as they had waited a lifetime to see the Messiah (Lk. 2:25-38). Wise men came a long distance to worship the king of the Jews (Mt. 2:1-2). But king Herod was so disturbed when he heard of the Christ child’s birth that he gave orders to kill all boys under two years old (Mt. 2:3,16). The Christ child was protected from this tragedy when His family fled to Egypt (Mt. 2:13).

The Christ Man
Of course, a boy child grows up to be a man. There were also different responses when the Christ child grew up to be a man and revealed that He was the Messiah. Some welcomed it and some hated it. Large crowds followed to listen to His words and to see His miracles (Mt. 5:25). When He healed people they praised God because they had never seen anything like this before (Mt. 9:8; Lk. 17:15). They thought He taught with much more authority than their religious teachers, and were delighted when He criticized them (Mt. 7:29; Mk. 2:12; Lk. 13:17). He was welcomed into Jerusalem as the Messiah, riding on a donkey (Mt. 21:1-11). A woman even poured expensive perfume over Him in an act of adoration (Mt. 26:7).

To some He was a prophet, while His followers thought He was going to free their nation from Roman dominion (Mt. 16:13-14, Lk. 24:21). The disciples considered Him to be the Son of God, as did the soldiers who were terrified at His death (Mt. 14:33; 16:16; 27:54).

However, those of His home town took offense at Him and tried to throw Him over a cliff (Mt. 13:57; Lk. 4:29). The religious leaders opposed Him fiercely and said He was satanic and demon-possessed, and plotted how to kill Him (Mt. 9:34; 12:14, 24; 26:4; Lk. 11:53). They asked questions to trap Him (Mt. 22:15). He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot (Mt. 26:48-49). Finally, He was falsely accused, mocked, spit on, struck repeatedly and executed by the religious leaders (Mt. 27:30-31; Mk. 14:58; Acts 7:52).

Different Responses
There were also different responses when the good news of forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ was preached. Some welcomed it and some hated it. When Paul preached in Athens that Jesus was raised from the dead, some sneered, some accepted it, others were apathetic (Acts 17:32-34).

Jesus recognized this when He said, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law – a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household’” (Mt. 10:34-36 NIV). He also said, “Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law” (Lk. 12:51-53).

This is figurative language; the results of His coming are stated as the apparent purpose of His coming. Jesus really came to bring peace and to rescue people from the coming judgment (Jn. 3:17; Eph. 2:14-17). But there are different responses to this – some accept it, while others ridicule and oppose it or are apathetic.

So families can be divided; some members being Christians while others are not. Jesus warned that when people became Christians, their families might persecute them. If family members oppose us, remember that faithfulness to Christ with a submissive spirit is what’s important. Our testimony can lead to their salvation (1 Pet. 3:1; 1 Cor. 7:14).

What is your response to the Christ child who grew up to be the man Christ? The Bible says that He came to give us an abundant new life (Jn. 10:10; 2 Cor. 5:17). I hope El Niño (the boy child) reminds you of the Christ child and the reason He came.

Published: December 2004